Buisness Cards
These provide a suite of network tools, a server hosting a stripped down copy of my website, and a wifi AP, all for under $3 live demo(no attacks) here(currently disabled)
Projects and Information
These provide a suite of network tools, a server hosting a stripped down copy of my website, and a wifi AP, all for under $3 live demo(no attacks) here(currently disabled)
As the admiditly terrible name implies, this is a rts game made in unity over a weekend for an AP Euro Class. Check it out at https://nikolatesla17.github.io/eurtsSite/
Combining my love for computers with my general indiffrence towards baking.
A collection of multiplayer games written in node.js. Including clones of Quiplash and Psych! Find out more at clonelash.tk(currently disabled)
A automated flower girl made for a wedding explanation here
I am a proud member of FRC Team 100 on the programming subteam and have worked on numerous robots and projects through this.
Helping to found a large(25 member) student club and creating and maintaining both a custom email and the website yogurt.ml
Making use of the first order faceswap model to automatically create baka mita style memes through a discord bot run on an aws linux server
A raspberry Pi 3 powered Mini C64
I Caded my computer setup, pictured here is the monitor though also made were a pc, laptop, desk, and keyboard/mouse
An animation of the famous game 6 of deep blue vs Kasparov viewable here(used as the background for this site)
A replica of the Nvidia USB Given to press made from a 3d print and scrap
A Blender challenge done in one hour, creating a basic rocket design.
ways to contact me include